Well a nice local man spent half his weekend fiddling around with it, and I am happy to say that all is well in computer land. Not quite true actually - the problem ended up being the modem and router???? so while the home computer is whizzy fast, the laptop now won't actually connect to the internet because it thinks it already has??? I SAID ENOUGH! Go home nice man, and see your family, we will attend to that another day.
Now as far as my new business goes, I am starting to finally make some headway. Baby steps but at least they are going forward. You know how when babies learn to crawl they often go backwards first - well that was me definately. I have ordered new stuff from 2 companies and am going to do some more today. Still haven't done any actual scrapbooking (seems criminal when I have a whole roomful of stuff to play with) but Rebecca (local police woman) is coming over today to play. Speaking of roomfull, this is how it looks... ... ...
Looks like a lot to fit into a trailer but we managed.
First Crop event in Timaru went well - other than my nerves. About 25 came along and I learnt lots of new names and some I have met before but seemed to forget - eh Deirdre? may have been that little bottle of wine consumed on Sat night at Raincliffe...
But back to the crop. All went according to plan other than the unscheduled fuel stop at the Pareora Truck stop in the pitch black. Gwenda (Oamaru) was the page of the day winner and recieved in the mail the following week, her scissors (left behind on Rebeccas table) and the lovely Glimmermist - Home for the Holidays Kit.
Next crop coming up 30 Oct in Oamaru - I'm even putting on lunch to make up for my lack of knowledge in other areas! Speaking of food - Raincliffe is all booked and I thought we might have a bit of a BBQ on the Saturday night... ... ... sound good? Think about it, I certainly will be!
Thats all for now, back to my Bazzill and Kaiser orders before my kids wake up... ... yes this is my new life tapping away on the computer in the wee small hours... ... ... ...