Wow were did the time go? Raincliff this weekend hope everyone is ready for some fun? Also a BIG thank you to the 34 ladies that we have coming - from thiking we were going to struggle for numbers to a full house is amazing so THANK YOU!
I spent all weekend making up the packs for the make n take, thank goodness that is done I cut 140 "bits" on the klic N Kut and it was NOT behaving, I have decided that it depends on the moisture in the card stock as to if it likes it or not.
I still have 3 parcel MIA, gosh I hope they turn up sure that two of them will, one left Aussie on the 4th of February so it's not like I didn't allow enough time for them to get here. There is always one parcel that ends up lost so I guess I have come to expect it, but it would be nice if it bucked the trend this time he he.
Also there is a new scrapbooking magazine coming to New Zealand, and GUESS WHAT? I won a subscription to it! I am SOOOOOO excited, me winning (ok so I have won 2 things before in my life one I would have never used and gave away, and a stamping up catalog that I already had but it went to a good home) so I am just over the moon and can't wait for the first issue to come out! I have herd through the grape vine that the standard is VERY high so I cant wait to see!Check out there Blog and see what there is that you might submit for the up and coming issue!
Check back with us next week and we will have photos of Raincliff and the "page of the weekend" winner, and all the shananagins (no idea how you spell that lol) that goes with the weekend, only 4 more sleeps girls!
Have a great week!